National Cadet Corps
National Cadet Corps
Overview of the CCA:
Queensway Secondary School National Cadet Corps comprises more than 80 dedicated members.
Our core values are:
1. Loyalty to the country
2. Uprightness
3. Leadership
4. Discipline
5. Commitment and Responsibility
6. Care for fellow cadets
7. Adventurous spirit
8. Safety.

Members are taught to display these core values during NCC’s trainings and camps. For instance, the core value of discipline must be adhered to during our weekly training sessions. The cadets develop resilience as they go through a series of physical conditioning exercises and strength training, such as pushups, planks, and sit-ups to prepare themselves for their yearly Physical Training test.
In 2022, our Secondary 1 cadets participated in Camp F.O.R.G.E, where they enjoyed fun and exciting activities such as the Flying Fox, Abseiling and High Elements. In Camp S.T.E.E.L, the Secondary 2 cadets were exposed to hands-on weapons training, where they learned how to dismantle and assemble the SAR-21, as well as how to deal with gun jams. Another highlight of Camp S.T.E.E.L was the paintball 5-versus-5 match, where the Secondary 2 cadets learned the value of teamwork, as they had to work together closely in order to achieve victory. Last but not least, the Secondary 3 cadets stepped up to teach their juniors key skills involved in the Total Defence Bronze and Silver courses, as part of their Total Defence Gold Course requirements.
Accomplishment in 2023:
Distinction Award
Student Experiences:
‘This year, NCC has been able to resume many of our activities that were
restricted during the covid period. One key highlight this year was the
National Day Observance Ceremony that was held at Queenstown Stadium together
with Bukit Merah Secondary School. As I was one of the flag bearers, I
knew that more attention was going to be on us and it definitely made me
feel a little more pressured. However, our commanding officer was very
helpful and guided us patiently. All in all, it was a fun memory that I
had this year and I hope that my juniors will get to experience similar
or even better experiences than us.’
Cadence (402)
‘When I joined the National Cadet Corps,I did not have any expectations.
However, I soon realized that the National Cadet Corps is more than just
a uniformed group. Before I knew it, I have learnt values that couldn’t
be taught elsewhere. One of the events that taught me a lot about values
was Camp STEEL. There was also the National Cadet Corps Sport Championship
where we had to compete with other schools through various types of sports
such as football and Captain’s Ball. Even though, we lost in football,
it taught us about teamwork and communication as we attacked and defended.
Overall, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to join the National
Cadet Corps.’
Dario (411)
‘One memorable event that was conducted after the SMM rules were relaxed
was the Senior Specialist Leader’s Course (SSLC), a program to hone the
leadership skills of NCC student leaders. Through the course, I picked
up skills on how to lead the CCA better, as well as how to handle any difficulties
with ease. I also got to work with other NCC members from various schools.
Even though we had our share of laughter and jokes, we had also learnt
how to work together to overcome hardships. Besides bonding with my fellow
NCC-mates, SSLC was able to impart to me essential leadership skills and
experience to better lead my juniors. All in all, NCC had given me many
opportunities and invaluable experiences that I will carry with me.’
Xaviar (411)