Girl Guides
Girl Guides
Overview of the CCA:
Queensway Girl Guides’ mission is to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. In line with our motto, “Be Prepared”, our activities are designed to nurture responsibility and adaptability in our Guides.
In 2022, our Guides continued to hone their leadership skills, via taking
the lead in Unit and Patrol activities relating to a range of current issues,
such as food sustainability, environmental conservation and cyber-wellness.
The highlight of the year was the Guides camp, which took place online.
Centred around the theme of “Finding Our Way Together”, the camp
aimed to help our Guides discover their strengths and forge stronger ties
as a Unit. Over the course of the camp, our Guides learned about the importance
of self-care, and showcased their creativity and talents in the areas of
handicraft and gastronomy.

Achievement in 2023:
Gold Award
Student Experiences:
“Being the Company Leader of the Queensway company has allowed me to get
to know my juniors and friends better and improve my confidence. When I
was tasked to conduct an activity by our Guiders, I got to work with people
whom I did not know very well. However, I learned to work together with
them to execute the activities and forged a closer bond with the girls
in Girl Guides. One memorable experience would be the process of preparing
for the Baden-Powell Award (BPA), which helped me to improve my facilitation
and technology skills. I learnt to use platforms such as Nearpod to enhance
my slides on food sustainability issues. I would like to thank our QSS
Guiders: Ms Murni, Ms Choy and Ms Pang for their advice and encouragement,
which helped me through my BPA journey. This achievement would not have
been possible without them!”
Joanna Boey Yu Yan (301), CL
“My experience as the Assistant Company Leader of QSS Girl Guides in 2021 has been nothing short of remarkable and humbling. One event that stood out to me was “Free Being Me”, a worldwide movement to boost body confidence. I learned that we should learn to define beauty on our own terms and not judge ourselves according to society’s expectations.
This year, we continued to live with the uncertainty of Covid-19. Our
Guides camp, the annual highlight of our CCA, was conducted virtually over
Zoom instead of in-person. It was daunting at first, but we pulled together
as a camp committee to plan and organise it. We injected storytelling into
our programmes, designed and printed T-shirts and did our best to make
something fresh and meaningful out of an unusual situation. After all,
that’s what our Guides’ motto reminds us to do - “Be Prepared”. For me,
this means staying positive in the face of challenges and learning to adapt
to different situations as they come my way.”
Sophia Lai (301), ACL
“I was honoured to be given the opportunity to lead Flowerpecker as a patrol first. The training that I had received in my earlier years in Guides came in handy, as it equipped me with the skills and confidence to plan activities and collaborate with others. My patrol mates and sister Guides were also supportive of me.
One moment in Guides that made me realise how much fun being a leader
could be was when I planned and facilitated the module for the Toy Maker’s
Badge. I was anxious about how the activity would be received, as facilitating
was still new to me. However, I learned to be confident in my work as I
researched and planned in preparation for the module. I was able to hone
my presentation skills and structure activities to be fun, engaging and
accessible. It was hard work, but it paid off when I saw my juniors enjoying
the craft. I was so happy to see them succeed in sewing their reversible
octopus plushies. In the process, I also got to know my juniors better,
and I enjoyed exchanging jokes and banter with them. I hope to plan bigger
and better activities in the future!”
Chloe Wong Xing Yun (304), Patrol Leader
“Having spent 3 years in Girl Guides, I can say with utmost confidence that it is an enriching experience. I do not regret my choice of picking Girl Guides as my CCA. We learn valuable skills, such as how to upcycle items to give them a new lease of life, as well as cyber-wellness, where we learn to navigate the internet and social networking sites safely.
One activity that I really enjoyed was the beach cleanup in Secondary
1. Not only was it very refreshing to have CCA outside the school, it was
also an incredibly eye-opening experience. I had never realised the sheer
amount of rubbish and garbage that littered the beaches of our country.
From the activity, I learned the importance of caring for our environment.
It was also fun, as we held competitions and made our own beach-themed
sandwiches! I would greatly recommend Girl Guides to anyone considering
what CCA to join, as it is a CCA where you can learn many useful life skills,
as well as bond with your patrolmates.”
Lucie-Jean Chai Lit Huey (303), Patrol Leader